Complained = Marked Spam or Junk
When viewing campaign results, you may see contacts in the ‘Complained’ category, this means that the contact marked your email as Spam or Junk. Pitch will automatically add these contacts into the Complained list that you can find in List manager, and the system will not attempt delivery to contacts in this list until the complaint is reversed.
Removing Contacts from the Complained or Unsubscribed List
- Navigate to Manage Contacts.
- Use the keyword search to find them by name or email address. Click their email address.
- Click the Un/Subscribe button below the contact’s name.
- Remove the Complained list and click Save.
View, Export, or Edit the Complained List
- Navigate to List Manager.
- Search for list titled Complained from all emails.
- Click the list number to View the list, Generate to export, or Edit to remove a contact from this list. (Or edit the list to remove a contact.)